How can I create coupons for my Pop-Up Store?
This feature is currently available to a limited number of merchants.
Boost your Pop-Up Store sales by creating a discount code and sharing it with your audience. When creating the coupon code, you can specify what it will apply to: product prices, shipping fees, or the total cart value.
Learn more about discounts for Pop-Up Store: How do discounts work for Pop-Up Store?
Coupon code promotions override any other discounts in your store. If a coupon is used at checkout, it will apply to the original retail price, overriding any active product or shipping discounts. The coupon code you create will support multiple uses.
Step 1: Navigate to Promotions
Navigate to the Promotions section in your Printify Pop-Up store dashboard. Click on Create promotion and choose “Coupon code”.
Step 2: Choose the promotion specifications
When creating a coupon code, you will need to specify the following:
- Promotion title (visible only to you)
- Coupon code (automatically generated or custom)
- Start and end dates (begin today or schedule for later)
- Discount application (on product cost, shipping, or total cart)
- Discount percentage
The coupon code will only apply at checkout if the sale still yields a profit. For instance, if you offer a 25% off coupon but the product has a 20% profit margin, the discount code will not activate.
Step 3: Activate your promotion
Finally, click Confirm and publish to activate your promotion. Your coupon code is now set up and ready to be shared with your audience.
You can edit an active promotion by clicking the “Edit” icon, making the changes, and then republishing it.