How can I switch to a yearly Printify Premium plan subscription?
If you’re currently using our monthly Premium plan, you can easily upgrade from your monthly subscription plan to the yearly subscription plan. You’ll be saving 14%, or USD 48.12 annually, when compared to the monthly plan.
- To upgrade, navigate to the Payments section.
- Next, click Upgrade to yearly plan:
Your monthly subscription will be terminated immediately, and the yearly subscription will be activated starting from the switching date. The amount charged for unused days within your monthly subscription will be proportionally deducted from the yearly subscription fee.
For instance, if you switch from a monthly to a yearly subscription plan halfway through the month, you will be charged the yearly subscription (USD 299.88) minus the sum for unused days in the month, in this case USD 14.5 (half of the month), which means the billed amount will be USD 285.38.