What should I keep in mind to succeed as a Printify affiliate?
Our affiliates are significant to us. We strive to give fair opportunity to earn commissions and become part of the Printify family. Our expectation is that you will use the same ideology to protect our company’s good name. For best results with the Affiliate Program, please consider the guidelines below.
Recommended promotional methods
These types of promotional methods tend to deliver the best results:
Personal recommendations
Blogging and article creation
Online courses
Video tutorials & walkthroughs
Case studies
Platform reviews
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) restrictions
Affiliates that exclusively bid on keywords such as Printify, Printify.com, and/or any misspellings or similar iterations of these — be it separately, or in combination with other keywords — and don’t direct the traffic from such campaigns to their own website prior to re-directing it to ours, will be considered trademark violators, and will be banned from Printify’s Affiliate Program.
Restricted promotional methods
Frequent advertising, commonly referred to as “spamming”
Unsolicited commercial e-mails
Cross-posting to non-commercial newsgroups
Adware, spyware, loyalty-ware, or any related software
Anything else mentioned in the Affiliate Agreement that may cause damage to the Printify brand.
Failing to comply with the Affiliate Agreement will be considered a violation, and may result in being banned from the Printify Affiliate Program. Due to the nature of our good will, we will do everything possible to contact the Affiliate before the ban. However, we reserve the right to remove any violator from our Affiliate Program without prior notice, and within the first occurrence of the violation.
You cannot refer yourself as a merchant with Printify.com to receive commission. Please see our Affiliate Agreement for more detailed information.