How can I set up per-item based shipping rates on Amazon US?
Once you have created your Amazon US seller account, the next important step is setting up shipping on Amazon. There are two shipping options to choose from: per-item based shipping or free shipping.
Step 1: Adjust your default shipping address
Start by logging into your Amazon account. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner and then select Shipping Settings. Next, navigate to the “General Shipping Settings” tab and update the default shipping address to either your personal or business address.
Step 2: Create a new shipping template
Next, you’ll need to create a shipping template and set up your shipping rates. You can create up to 20 shipping templates on Amazon. For example, you might create different templates for each Print Provider or product type.
Select the “Shipping Templates” tab, and on the left side, click Create New Shipping Template.
Step 3: Name your template
Name your template to reflect the shipping type for easy understanding, such as “Standard Shipping Dimona Tee T-shirt”. Select the “Per Item” rate model.
Step 4: Add rates for Standard shipping
Amazon’s shipping rates include two fees: a per-order shipping fee and a weight-based/per-item fee. For Printify products, you will need to use a per-order and per-item fee. Follow these steps:
- Open our Shipping Rates page on Printify, where you can find all our Print Provider shipping rates. Locate your Print Provider and note down the first item and additional item fees.
- To avoid overcharging your customer for the first item, subtract the additional item fee from the first item fee. The difference will be your per-order fee. Add that to the per-order fee field.
- In the section below, select “Item” from the dropdown menu and add the additional item cost fee as your per-item fee.
- Add the same prices for the regions of Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico.
Example: Standard shipping for a Dimona Tee T-shirt costs $4.75 for the first item and $2.40 for additional items. Set your shipping prices as follows:
- Per-order flat fee: $4.75 - $2.40 = $2.35
- Per-item fee: $2.40
This means the shipping price will be $4.75 for the first item and $2.40 for each additional item.
Step 5: Add Expedited shipping option
Next, add the Expedited shipping option. This option is necessary because in some areas, such as mainland US states, orders can usually be delivered more quickly compared to the 14-28 day transit time offered by Standard shipping.
For Expedited shipping, set the transit time to “3-5 days”, add the same rates as you did for Standard shipping, and select “Item” in the dropdown menu.
Step 6: Remove Two-Day Delivery option
Remove the Two-Day Delivery option by unchecking the box next to it, as Printify currently does not support Two-Day or One-Day delivery options.
Step 7: Set up international shipping (optional)
Lastly, you also have the option to set up international shipping.
To set it up, find the international shipping rates on our Shipping Rates page and follow the same pricing logic as described above. However, use only Standard shipping for international orders.
Adjust the transit time to “14-28 days”, add the per-order fee, select “Item” from the dropdown menu, and add the per-item fee. If you want to add more regions, click the yellow Add New Region button.
Finally, click Save. You will then be able to select your created shipping templates on Printify when publishing your products.
To learn how to set up the free shipping option, please visit this article. However, if you’ve completed setting up shipping, you can proceed to the next step, which is requesting a GTIN/UPC exemption from Amazon.