Where can customers add a gift message on Etsy?
When a customer places an order on Etsy, they have the option to mark the order as a gift and add a gift message at the final checkout step.
The gift message the customer enters will be automatically passed on to Printify and printed on the gift message card if you’ve enabled this feature in Printify.
To verify whether a gift message has been added to the order, you can check the order on Etsy:
Occasionally, a customer may mistakenly enter the gift message in the “Add an optional note to the seller” field on Etsy. This feature is intended for providing special instructions to the seller and is primarily designed for sellers of handmade/custom-made products or those who handle their order shipments. It is not applicable if you exclusively sell print-on-demand (POD) products.
Here’s an example of what a note to seller looks like within an Etsy order: