How can I set up store details and order approval settings?
These settings are an important step to having your Printify account work seamlessly by itself or with one of our integrations.
What are store details?
Store details consist of two primary fields: Store name and Ship from address. In both cases, the information you fill in these fields will be visible on the order shipping label.
Please note that emoji characters are not supported in the store name.
What are order approval settings?
Order approval settings allow you to choose when to send orders to production, once they have imported from your sales channel.
These options include:
Manual (orders are sent to production after you’ve clicked Submit order in the order panel; charges per order)
Automatically in 1 hour
Automatically in 24 hours (default option)
- Automatically at a specific time every day (a single charge will be applied per day; note that the time will be calculated based on your timezone settings, and if you select a billing currency other than USD, charges will be applied individually for each order instead of a consolidated payment).
You’ll be charged for the order only once it is sent to production. Make sure that you have set up payments in Printify, as Printify charges your linked credit card or your Printify balance with the production price of the product and its shipping fee.
Your current order approval settings, as well as Order Routing, tracking notifications and delayed order settings are displayed in the Orders section.