How can I connect Amazon US with Printify?
Connecting your Amazon US store with Printify is easy. Follow the steps below to connect and start reaching new customers.
Step 1: Create an Amazon US seller account
If you’re new to Amazon and want to start selling your products, the first step is to create an account on Amazon Seller Central. Follow the steps outlined in this article to set up your account. If you already have an Amazon US seller account, you can skip this step.
When signing up for a new account, we also recommend filling out our exclusive sign-up form for Printify merchants, which offers you the opportunity to receive direct assistance from Amazon representatives to help launch your store.
Step 2: Request GTIN/UPC exemption for your products
Next, decide which products you want to sell on Amazon US and request a GTIN/UPC exemption for them. This step is necessary for selling Printify products on Amazon US, and you won’t be able to publish products without the exemption.
Step 3: Select Amazon from the integration list
Navigate to Printify. Click on the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner and select Manage my stores. Click Connect, and then choose the Amazon option. If you’re adding another store to your Printify account, select Add a new store.
Step 4: Connect to your Amazon account
Create your store. Next, you’ll be asked to log in to your Amazon account (if you aren’t already logged in). Then you’ll be asked to authorize Printify to proceed with the integration. Check the box and click Confirm.
Step 5: Confirm GTIN exemption
Check the box next to “I have requested GTIN exemption”, and then click Complete setup.
Now that you’ve linked your store, you can start publishing products to your Amazon US store and manage all orders from within Printify.